Tuesday 7 March 2017

Positive Vibes

Every time I say I am coming back to blogging; for some reason I fall back in to a busy lifestyle and forget how much I enjoy this.

Today's "come back" post is slightly different; its one filled with positivity and motivation that I have mustered up from the back of a dreadful couple of weeks and have finally seen a light at the end of the tunnel and although the battle has not been won yet, I know it will be soon and I am eternally blessed to have finally reached this stage of thinking. I now know that I have to think positively for when this (shit) storm finally passes, there will be so much to look forward to.

In the past year I have spent far too much time focusing on finding happiness from someone else I forgot how much things that I do for myself make me happy. I have learnt in the past few weeks that I am blessed beyond words to have an amazing support system with fantastic friends and family that have made me smile, laugh and forget what was bringing me down recently. I am truly thankful to all of my amazing friends  FAMILY for getting me through this...you are my TRIBE!

So as not to dwell too much on what has been happening but just to put a positive vibe to all reading my blog that whatever you are going through it really seems hard right now but surround yourself with good vibes and positive company and you will see you can get though it.

And so on that note I leave you with this...

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